To qualify for the Supply Chains of Distinction award, provider organizations must have:
How award recipients are chosen
The Supply Chains of Distinction Award is based upon a set of “perfect order” metrics, rated as a percentage of PO lines sent across the GHX Exchange (integrated) that are touchless and completely automated, from purchase through payment. The line must satisfy all the requirements below to be rated as “perfect”:
Metrics will be measured on a full calendar year basis, January 1 – December 31, then ranked. The top 25 ranked organizations in each segment—Small, Medium, and Large—will be named that year’s award recipients.
GHX Exchange-connected organizations may view these metrics in the Perfect Order Dashboard within the Supply Chain Analytics (SCA) app.
Details about the Segmentation Model
Rankings are segmented into small/medium/large bins based on hospital GHX Exchange integrated PO spend for a rolling 12 months. Organizations must maintain a monthly average of 200 purchase orders throughout the calendar year to be included in the rankings. Segments are arranged by:
**The bin ranges may shift month to month due to the equal frequency binning model.