Say Hello to Self-Serve Check-Ins and Facilities Access
Request a DemoVendor: Reps open the Vendormate app on their mobile device and scan the QR code
Vendor: Reps complete a temperature scan (if enabled)
Vendor: Reps complete the wellness declaration (if enabled)
Vendor: The photo badge is printed
Easy vendor check-ins with Vendormate app QR code or PIN.
Integrated thermometer at the kiosk for a one-stop access point.
Robust reporting and real-time dashboards show badging activity.
Remote kiosk management to monitor, troubleshoot and access repair services.Request a Demo

We Make Managing Access Easier for You and Your Vendors

Infection Control Protocols
Wellness declarations and temperature checks.

Dashboards and reporting.

Customer Support
Dedicated customer care teams and convenient remote maintenance.

Self-Serve Kiosk. Mobile App.
Vendormate Contactless Facilities Access.
The GHX Vendormate kiosk makes managing vendor credentialing easier, safer and more efficient than ever. Streamline access, remove process friction and create safer spaces for staff, patients, vendors and visitors alike.
Vendormate has been simplifying credentialing and connecting the healthcare industry’s largest network of providers for nearly two decades. No one has the insights we do.
GHX Vendormate.
The Choice for Healthcare
Credentialing Facilities Access.
policy acknowledgements
documents stored
badges issued annually
years of experience
Better Credentialing
Experiences Start Today
See just how streamlined facility access control can be—with the Vendormate kiosk.